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Eat Well

Health, Healing, Harmony...

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Fine Acupuncture & Herbs Clinic.

To feel your best and shore up your health as your age, you need to nourish your body with all the essential nutrients. Find out whether you're taking in enough of these tonic foods.

Health Benefits
curcumin A member of the cabbage family, broccoli is the most nutritious of all its cruciferous cousins, which include brussels sprouts, cauliflower, kale, collards, and bok choy. All these vegetables contain nitrogen compounds called indoles, which studies show are effective in helping to prevent cancerous tumors of the stomach, prostate, and breast. Broccoli, however, goes even further. It contains especially high amounts of enzymes and nutrients, such as carotenoids, that sweep up cancer-promoting free radicals.
Cancer isn't the only condition broccoli helps prevent. Its other nutrients make it a produce-aisle panacea. Besides being calcium-rich and high in fiber, broccoli is also a source of vitamin C, folate, riboflavin, potassium, and iron, making for a preventive powerhouse. Ongoing studies suggest that broccoli may help prevent cataracts, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis, ulcers, high blood pressure, stroke, and heart disease.

› There isn't much evidence about possible side effects.